
anyone out here in the northern prairies want to whip-up a few silk screen prints sans digital?
you're in luck! yours truly will be holding a two day handcut screen-print workshop at SNAP March 31st/1st.  
we'll get our x-acto blades/rubylith out & go nuts!


is it so bad it's good? or is it so good it's bad?  all i know is that the 2:50 mark looks like a good time...
here's holger in his more familiar form of krautrock gold: can


another favourite film by svankmajer: 'something from alice'
the animation is incredible (and truly creepy!)

learn more about the history of this amazing illuminated manuscript.


the lip-sync in this is unnerving, but jane & this gainsbourg song are both so pretty...


marcel duchamp's 1934 cover for the surrealist's journal 'minotaure'