
is it getting noticeable that there's been more film watching than hammering out objects this winter, yet?
forgive me. the days are staying lighter longer & good studio time is near approaching.
anyway,  this movie is perfect simply for the amazing outfits throughout. those dresses! garbo in the craziest silver outfit at the 18 minute mark!
here she is vs. the real gal


 the east anglian film archives site is wonderful.
the crazy world, indeed! and he's still going strong...


to lessen the channelling of my inner winter sloth, i've taken up pilates and living room dancing. 
(headphones & 80's deutsch industrial. things are getting wierd).

murnau's 'der letzte mann' (1924) beautifully restored.


it just hit me- 
david bowie is officially a senior citizen


fully feeling the winter beatdown as of late.
perhaps i'll take a page from christine pizan's  'book of knighthood' (1460) and meet the beasty blues/creative drain face to face.


this documentary on henri makes me hungry for the darkroom. 

2012 starts with bright sunshine, hot coffee, and soviet posters from 1918-22... 

found here